Sunday, November 4, 2007

Farah Ossouli

‘I beg thee that to no one else thou showest
These words I send-in such a hidden way
That none but thou may cipher what I say;
Read them in some safe place as best thou knowest.’

When in her heart these words of mine thou sowest
For HAFEZ, speak in any tongue thou knowest;
Turkish and Arabic in love are one-
Love speaks all languages beneath the sun.

Gouache on cardboard
2002 to 2006

Farah Ossouli


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful thought. How is the poem linked to the verse?

Heather Stephens said...

hi anonymous,
this text was with her 2002 to 2006 series.
also another beautiful one is on her frontpage:

Out beyond ideas
of right doing and wrong doing,
There is a field
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, languages, even the phrase each other,
Does not make any sense.
Jelaluddin Rumi, 1205-1273

Anonymous said...

Nice. A fine insight into the eight-fold fence of the human heart...